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Normal For A Day

When we received a “Save the Date” for my niece’s wedding almost a year ago, little did we know that we would be wondering up until the week of, if it would even happen. Like so many other young couples, hoping to share one of the most important moments in their lives with their friends and family, my niece and her fiancé didn’t even know if this would be possible. How sad that such a beautiful moment in their lives would be subject to such uncertainty.

Well, today was the day and they pulled it off. My wife and I got dressed up in, what seems like forever, and made our way to this small, picturesque little town. I grew up in this state, but never made it to this area prior. It was the smallest of towns, nestled in the middle of gorgeously green farmland. Even more beautiful was the historic church, up on the hill, that towered over the town full of folks tired of the chaos in the world that seemed to say to everyone that gazed their eyes upon it, “I got this.” Add to that the most beautiful and time-honored ceremony of Holy Matrimony I have seen in some time, complete with a tribute to Our Blessed Mother and accompanied by Ave Maria sung by a cantor with one of the most powerful voices I have ever heard.

This union of my niece and her now, spouse, was about them. There’s no question about that. But to all of us in attendance, it was exactly what we needed at this most tumultuous time in our lives. It was a sign that life will go on. That love will win. That peace can still be found. That the pain we are suffering through is temporary. And that beauty is still all around us. But more than all of that, it was a reminder that our fate, though uncertain for sure, is not in our hands. That our Father is not only with us, but like any father that sees his children hurting, will take our hand and walk with us. Today was a reminder that He is outside of time. He has our back. He never left us. He is all we need. And I thank Him for this most perfect reminder today.

May God be with us and light the way ahead.


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