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Take A Hike

It is nearly impossible to converse with a single person today without the conversation inevitably landing on the news of the day. It almost seems like we are experiencing a real-life version of Groundhog Day and we are all Bill Murray. The news is basically the same every day. The lockdown measures are the same. The masks most people are wearing are clearly the same (hint, hint). And as a result, the conversations are the same. Always.

It is not difficult to let all these distractions, these horrible, horrible distractions, quickly take over our lives. And I mean that to the fullest extent possible. I’d be willing to bet most of you have seen it all affect your dreams at night or your quality of sleep. Perhaps, you have a relationship that has taken a hit as a result of all the noise. Or you know of somebody that has. Maybe a friend or family member lost a job. Whatever the case, it’s time to take a stand. It’s time to take your life back.

After church this morning, my wife and I stopped at our local grocery store and ran into some old friends of ours. They did not look the same. They looked beaten down, dejected and wanting. To respect their privacy, I’ll leave the topics they shared with us between the four of us. But needless to say, they were hurting and it clearly affected us too. We went our separate ways wishing them the best and of course, letting them know we’re here for them as they navigate these impossible times.

Later in the day, my wife expressed her sorrow, not just about our friends’ predicament, but a feeling of overwhelming helplessness that just doesn’t seem to want to subside. We miss our all of our friends. We miss our families. And it is as though there is no end in sight of when life will get somewhat back to normal. So, like all of us should be doing more regularly, we decided to take a walk. However, we felt like we have walked our neighborhood plenty this past year, so we decided to head over to a nearby trail called “Tranquility Trail.” An appropriate choice, eh?

Over the past year, we’ve done pretty well finding ways to cope with the current state of the world. Learning to cook new things, going for long drives just for the heck of it, meeting with friends willing to meet. But the decision this day to hike this trail was by far the best thing we’ve done since it all started. It was exactly what we needed. A half-hour drive from our little “suburb” of Omaha (if you could even call anything near Omaha a suburb) and an immersion into nature, even though it is basically in the heart of the city.

If you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders right now, like so many are, then heed the advice I’m about to give. Find a trail. In the woods. Near a lake. In a mountain. In a valley. If you live in a place like NYC, then go to Central Park. Just plunge yourself into whatever Nature you can find. If you’re a believer, then you’ll reacquaint yourself with God there too. He’s waiting for all of us with open arms and outside of finding him at church, nature is the next best place.

Ann Frank said it perfectly: “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.”


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